3 Ted Talks That Anyone in Youth Athletics Leadership Should Watch

October 14, 2020

jennifer kovats

Every coach knows that each year is different and each athlete is different. The one thing that stays the same for coaches and league leadership is that it's important to be an inspiring and knowledgeable resource for your players. Catch up on some of our favorite TED Talks for anyone involved in youth athletics to gain new insight, and learn about exciting new research.

1. The difference between winning and succeeding


John Wooden

Video link:


Why we love it:

Pulling from advice given to his players at UCLA, John Wooden talks about what it means to be successful, and to be your best self. Profound, simple and heartfelt, this Ted Talk is a must-watch for sports leadership and athletes alike.

Favorite quote:

“You can lose when you’re outscored in a game, and you can win when you’re outscored”


2. Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger?


David Epstein

Video link:


Why we love it:

David talks about how athletes and athletics have changed over time - from technology, to genetics, and surprisingly: mindset.

Favorite quote:

“Our brain acts as a limiter, preventing us from accessing all of our physical resources, because we might hurt ourselves... But the more we learn about how that limiter functions, the more we learn how we can push it back just a bit…”


3. The math behind basketball's wildest moves


Rajiv Maheswaran

Video link:


Why we love it:

Rajiv Maheswaran and his colleagues are analyzing the movements behind the key plays of the game, to help coaches and players combine intuition with new data.

Favorite quote:

“We’re at a point where almost every single contender for an NBA championship this year is using our software, which is built on a machine that understands the moving dots of basketball. So not only that, we have given advice that has changed strategies that have helped teams win very important games…”



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