SquadLocker loves the new podcast, the Multipurpose Room, hosted by strategic partner K-12 Clothing! Hosts Wesley Jones and Debora Jones discuss real-life issues that PTAs, PTOs, and school staff are dealing with today and offer practical tips.
While teachers have been using successful techniques in the classroom for years, these same techniques do not necessarily translate to a virtual environment.
Susan E. Finch, a Julliard trained actress, coach, and theater teacher for 30 years, stopped by in episode 7 of the Multipurpose Room podcast to talk about how teachers can be a commanding presence online and provide tips for effective teaching via the web.
Tips for Teaching Online
Teaching predominately while looking at a computer screen most of the day is vastly different than teaching in-person, and has brought on challenges, including draining energy faster.
Here are some proven tips to help with a successful online school year:
1. Listen with ears and eyes: Listening to what your students need is key. Eye contact is important to know if a student is connecting and receiving your messages. Zoom is unique in that it allows a teacher to see all faces at the same time, which can be an advantage.
2. Lighting is imperative: If your screen is too dark or your student’s screen is too dark, it’s difficult to make that connection. Make sure all screens are bright and your students’ eyes are visible. A simple, personal, and uplifting background is also helpful.
3. Breathing Breaks: Before you begin your teaching day, ready your brain with some breathing techniques with particular awareness of your spine and posture. A few minutes for breathing break throughout the day helps with focus, alertness, and screen fatigue.
4. Stretch your body: With increased screen time, we aren’t moving as often. Ensure that you stretch throughout the day as it decreases back pain, muscle soreness, and tension and helps to refresh for better productivity.
5. Stand while teaching: Fatigue can set in quickly with sitting for hours, so consider switching it up and stand to teach a class or two. In the monotony of working online, the variety feels good.
For more tips, listen to episode 7, “Virtual Teaching Presentation Tips from an Expert,” here.
SquadLocker is a proud supporter of the Multipurpose Room
For more information on the Multipurpose Room, go to:
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