Fundraising and Sponsorship Tips, Tricks & Ideas

December 21, 2016

Jay Whitehead

Your store at SquadLocker can be personalized in many different ways. Sure you can get logos created or modified, you can choose the colors you want, you can personalize all of the gear and you can even make sure certain mandatory safety items are purchased before participation on the team can occur.

But there is one aspect that isn't much talked about that can be an integral and very important aspect of your SquadLocker store – the ability to engage in fundraising for your organization. This option alone opens up a ton of possibilities.

You can use this extra cash to help kids who can't afford the equipment but still want to participate. You can use it to help a teammate, parent or coach who is sick, use it for a trophy or even for an end of the season party. It's easy to do, too. You can increase the price of every item in your store from 5% to 20%, and you'll be reimbursed that extra amount when you close your store.


Of course, fundraising without participation is like peanut butter without jelly, so here are some tips, tricks and ideas to make it work.


Get It Noticed

The first step to every fundraising cause is to get it noticed. If no one knows about it, no one can participate. Make sure you mention it in every email, flyer, Facebook, Twitter or other social media post that is sent out about your SquadLocker store. Get the word out any way you can. For example, use pictures to help describe what the funds are going to be used for. A team party at the end of the season could include pictures of last year’s event. This is the first and most vital step that will go a long way towards a successful fundraiser.


Don't Go It Alone

The fundraiser will see much more success the more people get involved. Enlist coaches, teammates, parents and everyone else affiliated with the team to be involved with this. After all, part of the reason for any fundraiser is the fun factor, and the more people that are involved the better the chance that the word will get out and the more funds that can be raised.



Get a reward system going for the top 3 fundraisers. This doesn't have to be anything spectacular, just something to show some appreciation. You may even get a local shop or restaurant to donate an item or meal as part of the fundraising program, with the best prize going to the person who donated the most through the sales in your store. It's just a way to give back a little, and if it sets up a bit of competition to see who gets the top prize, so much the better.

Throw a Team Event

Have a cookout, picnic, play day, etc., and call it the Team SquadLocker Fundraising Event, or something similarly creative. Bring a laptop or two, make sure everyone has smartphones and highlight certain items that are popular or that everyone needs. Socks and tees are a good start. Showcase inexpensive items along with pricey ones and encourage the entire team to purchase something, which is an automatic fundraising donation. Not only will it be a fun day, but it will bring the team together for a singular cause. Isn't that what teamwork is all about?


SquadLocker is there for you because your team is our team. You can find the best in gear and equipment at SquadLocker, set up fundraising on your items and your donations will be taken with every purchase. Using SquadLocker  makes fundraising easy and using these tips, tricks and ideas will assure you of success every time.

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